Actual demand cannot be connected to reservation information. Actual field usage reports compiled by DPR show that numerous fields (up to 1/3) were reserved but in fact were not being used. The unused fields were highlighted in yellow. If reservation information is significantly different from the actual usage of fields, then two issues occur; first, fields are being unnecessarily removed from availability causing teams difficulty reserving time, and second, the usage and total number of hours appear to be much greater than they actually are which creates the appearance that fields are at or above capacity.
Not managing peak demand. Another reason sports groups are likely having issues reserving fields is revealed by reviewing 2017 softball field reservations. That review showed that there were peak days for playing, while other days during the season are lightly or rarely used. If teams are requesting field times primarily during peak days, which are either being fully used or appear to be fully used because of inaccurate reservation data, this may further perpetuate the unsubstantiated assertion that there needs to be more fields based primarily on these peak days.
The following shows an example week in Spring 2017 for time slots among the seven adult diamond fields, with reserved times shown in dark blue. While all fields are reserved Tuesday evening, many other days and times are very underutilized during the prime time hours (Red is open prime-time and Pink is open non prime-time). The full 2017 calendar of reservations and open prime time hours of adult diamond fields is located here.
Reservations can be intentionally inflated and not related to actual number of hours used or what should be needed. This miscalculates the real number of hours being used compared to capacity limits. “Ideally, leagues were given a ‘cushion’ to accommodate their teams and weather” (Presentation page 6)
Reservation management problems. Among other things, GreenPlay consultants showed that teams were unable to return any unused field times back to DPR. Essentially, the unwanted and unneeded reservations continued as “reserved fields.”